Purpose:  To improve the health of marriages and families in the Siouxland area through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Resources for Married Couples:

Marriage Help

Sioux City Counseling:

Lutheran Family Service - 4301 Sergeant Road          Telephone: 712-276-9000           Email: siouxcity@LFSiowa.org

Marriage Enrichment: 

www.helpingmarriageswork.com - Lutheran Family Services Resourse Page!

Prepare and Enrich Couple Check Up

Americas Family Coaches Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg

LCMS Marriage Resources The Trinity, 10 Commandments for Marriage, Cohabitation, Mystery, The Ring, etc.

Dr. James Dobson on Marriage

Lutheran Marriage Encounter - Marriage Retreat held to build up marriages from troubled to fully intact.  This site is not endorsed by the LCMS but has many helpful resources.

Family and Parenting:

Visionary Family - The mission of Visionary Family Ministries is to build the church of Jesus Christ through a global reformation of family discipleship. Great resources for vision casting, marriage, and parenting ministries. Books include: Visionary Marriage, Visonary Parenting, Never Too Late: Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child. Good Sunday morning studies.

www.lhm.org - Lutheran Hour Ministries offeries many tracts for different family needs.

- Equipping parents for passing on the faith!


Sexual Addiction:

Jackson Recovery Centers (RoseCrance) - Local Sioux City Treatment Center which handles a variety of addictions.

Confessions of a Porn Addict- Great articles on pornography and other addictions.

XXXChurch - Help with Pornography/

www.settingcaptivesfree.com - This website helps deal with a variety of addictions.